8 January 2016

Get Intimate with Exploratory Software Testing This Year

Exploratory Testing Can Reap Huge Rewards
Source: Chris Appleby

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”
― Søren Kierkegaard

And so it goes with functional software testing. We can understand and automate, then rinse and repeat, only with hindsight. However, to truly move forward in the most efficient and effective manner possible, it is imperative that exploraty testing is incorporated into every software testing program.

Opponents of exploratory testing often mistake it for manual testing with a flash name. Exploratory testing, at it's very core, requires the unleashing of a tester's creativity to find bugs that a carefully orchestrated testing regime will easily miss.

We apply have three simple rules when conducting exploratory tests for our clients:
  1. Aid testers in exploiting their creativity during the testing process
  2. Time-box tests to minimise inefficiencies
  3. Test specific elements of the system by using pre-defined tours, or perspectives
Utilising this approach, especially when included as part of a larger agile environment, helps the entire testing program unearth bugs that a few random and convenient manual tests would likely miss. The result being that end-users are exposed to fewer bugs and are able to use a more robust, secure and well-tested system.

The financial argument for exploratory testing is also worthwhile to note. It has helped us deliver real value to clients in as little as 24-48 hours, rather than having to make them wait for the weekly or monthly reports. As they say, time is money.

If you want more information about our software testing services and leading-edge testing tools, or help in achieving any of the above, get in touch:

Or contact us on +61 8 8312 1287 or solutions[at]qsometech.com


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